Wednesday, 29 August 2012

MWMF - 15/08/12

Good afternoon Adam,


You don't know me personally, but I took the K2A Forex course 2½ years ago, plus some momentum coaching (with Jitan Solanki).  Apologies for the unsolicited intrusion, but as you put your email address up on last week's MWMF I figured that you were open to random viewers contacting you!

I just wanted to comment on your MWMF of last week (15th August).  I didn't get the chance to catch it live for once (generally I am an avid Wednesday evening viewer each week), so missed the 24 hour window for posting comments/questions directly to you over the LTF site.  I have actually just watched it this afternoon.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I found it outstanding.  I tend to prefer the slightly longer presentations, as I find that I get a better feel for the thought process behind what is being presented, plus we get to cover more ground.  I found it very helpful the way you went through your thoughts on a number of currency pairs in such detail, and the feature on your current analysis of EUR/USD was a great insight.

I was historically a big fan of the MWMFs by both Jitan and Rob Colville (I download the MWMF each week and have not missed one since I took the course in March 2010), and had worried that with both Rob and Jitan moving on I'd feel a little more detached from it all.  I needn't have worried.  So while I don't have a particular question for you, I just wanted to say that you have one convert here.  I have enjoyed all of the recent MWMFs for different reasons – you, Julio and Nishil seem to be sharing duties at the moment? – but I just wanted to let you know how helpful I found last week's presentation, both in terms of the topics you covered and the level of detail you went into, delivered as ever in your calm and authoritative style.  It makes it easy to keep calm and carry on trading!

Please don't feel under pressure to respond – after all, I have not asked a question – but I believe in giving feedback when something someone does makes a positive difference to me.  And by the way – 48 minutes or so is about the perfect duration for a MWMF if you ask me!!


Kind regards,



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