Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Brisbane UFX

Hi Anna,


Thank you so much to all K2A Staff for the excellent seminar over the weekend.


Special thanks to you for allowing me to re-take the course in the first place, to Saira for the enormous part she played in trying to get everything across to such a large number of people at various stages of FX education, to Danielle for her sparkling personality and zest for engaging with people and to Andrew for always being there to encourage the next stages in the process (also very engaging). As I said to you at the event I believe it is imperative that the administrative team attends these events; the HR element is essential part of the connectivity and it’s important for us to know who we’re connecting with.


I was able to speak with several other members of the team (Jai, John, another Andrew, James) and found them all to exceedingly encouraging. If I have left anyone out, please consider it an unintentional oversight. This is an extremely good organisation trying to encourage people to take individual financial responsibility. I for one am very grateful for that given the predicament I find myself in at my time of life.


Finally, could you please confirm the dates for the Brisbane Bootcamp as 17/18 Oct 12? I am certain these dates are correct as they were advertised many times in many places. Notwithstanding, I am attempting to arrange my training calendar trying to ensure that I don’t double-book or overload when I’m experiencing all-day training.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kind Regards,                                                                             ,



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