Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Euro

Hi Partha,


Hope you haven't forgotten me; all you have shown me is constantly in my mind. I must thank you for the excellent manner in which you have helped me and the professional manner in which you have represented Knowledge to Action. I think it is time for a brief recap on what I have been up to since our last private session you kindly organised after the boot camp in July thank you.


I have concentrated on the study of just the EUR-USD until I understand more of how this all works. For the last two months this pair has ranged between approx. 1.4000 & 1.4700, that is 700 pips to play with and I feel if a man can't make a little $ or two out of that then he should give the game away or stick to chess.


To be honest I have to confess I have not really focused on Income Generators, Snipers, Pivots or Snapbacks. At this stage I have focused on my study of the Euro to try and figure out the relationships between Momentum, different Trading Times, Parthas' Lines & Fibonacci Retracement. I have also traded small amounts to build my understanding of how all that works and have experimented with things like trailing stops and setting limits to take planned profit. Trading with a small account introduces another whole set of limitations I have learnt about also.


It has been a very rocky road but the net result is I now usually pick up 30--50 pips per day on the Euro when I trade on an intraday basis, ( unfortunately I have not been able to trade every day because of other commitments ) but my little $300 account is now $3,000 and I feel happy about that.


Best Regards



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